Make up for pale skin

As you know with red hair comes the pale skin and with pale skin comes the issue of finding make up that is light enough. From when I first started wearing make up about 10 years ago I’ve sort of just made do with what was on the high street because I didn’t think there was much else out there. I started using Lilylolo cosmetics about 6 months ago after asking around on forums for some mineral foundation as I’m not a fan of liquid foundation (apart from the one below!). I checked them out and ordered some sample pots which came really quickly and luckily there was a sale on at the time so I bought a full size pot of foundation, finishing powder and concealer and have used practically nothing else since! The thing I love about them is that they have quite a range of shades that take into account the undertones of your skin rather than just using a dulux colour chart and they also have very light shades! The foundation also contains SPF 15 and the brand is BUAV approved, paraben free and nearly all of the products are made in the UK! So…a review of the products…

Lilylolo Mineral Foundation SPF 15 £12.49

When I ordered the sample pots I ordered ‘porcelain’ which is the very lightest shade and ‘china doll’ which is the next lightest with more yellowy undertones. I found porcelain the best and ordered the full size pot. They were 20% off at the time so I got it a bit cheaper which was a plus as I’d never used mineral foundation before so was a bit dubious. It took me a few goes to get used to applying it – you basically tap some into the lid, swirl around a big kabuki brush and apply in circular motions and it can be a bit messy at first so I suggest placing a towel or something on your lap if you’re sitting down. I have quite dry skin so I always cleanse and apply moisturiser first and allow that to sink in before applying. I really can not fault it besides it being a bit messy to apply – especially if you accidentally drop the lid and get powder all over yourself. It never looks dry or cakey and it really doesn’t feel like I’m wearing any makeup – which is a plus as I hate the feeling of cakey make up on my skin. I’ve also been using it pretty much every day for the past 6 months and still have about half left – so very good value for money! I recommend this to anyone looking for make up for pale or sensitive skin, or just looking to move to more natural, skin friendly or cruelty free make up. The sample pots also make it easy to test before buying!

Lilylolo Mineral concealer £7.29



I also purchased the lightest concealer of the range which is called ‘blondie’. It comes up a bit paler than the foundation but I find it great for evening out my eyelids and dark circles which are pretty prominent and I’ve always had trouble covering up (the only thing I found that worked previously was YSL Touche Eclat which is fab but expensive and doesn’t last long). As it’s lighter than the foundation it is best to use this first to even out the worst bits and then blend in with the foundation. I find it works a treat. It is a bit thicker than the foundation so a little bit trickier to apply evenly which is which is it’s only downfall. However I suppose that is to be expected with concealer! Again I still have about half a pot 6 months on so while £7 may seem a bit steep, it does last for ages so you’ll probably save money in the long run.

Lilylolo Finishing Powder £12.49
“Flawless Matte”


The finishing powder comes in 3 shades, flawless matte (pictures), translucent silk and flawless silk which is skin toned. In my samples I ordered this and the translucent silk which is also white. The silky one feels a bit silkier and has a glow to it, I loved both and was torn on which to try but decided on matte as I thought it would be more suitable for every day wear. Don’t let the white put you off, you only need a little bit to put on after your make up and it really does help matte out your skin and help keep your make up put all day. In the past I’ve always found my make up came off after a few hours so this has been a great find!  I can’t speak for other skin tones but I’m told it’s suitable for all tones of skin as it’s translucent so don’t think you’ll look like you’ve just covered your face in talcum powder. Also as you need less of this than the foundation I still have loads left 6 months on. Really good value for money and great for just finishing your make up.

Dainty Doll Liquid Foundation £22 (currently £14.67 in Boots)


I found this in my local Boots in one of the bigger stores with the makeup counters and had never given it much thought due to the price tag but got in on a student shopping night with a 20% discount. I said I’m not really a fan of liquid foundations as I find them too cakey but I wanted something a bit more substantial to wear on my dads wedding day last October as I was a bridesmaid. To my surprise the ‘very light’ shade was actually too light for my skin and the ‘light’ shade is pretty much a perfect match. It blends pretty well though I find it does take quite a bit of blending but that might just be because I’m used to mineral foundation now. Over all I love this foundation and use it for special occasions (with a primer to make it last even longer) when I want a bit more coverage and then use the Lilylolo foundation and mineral powder on top. I was wearing all of them at a dinner recently when the topic got onto make up and I explained what I was wearing and everyone said it looked like I wasn’t wearing anything and that my skin looked really good. So a big thumbs up. The only downside to this is the price tag so as a result I save it for special occasions and it isn’t BUAV approved which is a bit of a shame. However it is currently on offer at boots so it’s a good chance to try it if you’re a pale skinned person looking for a mineral foundation that is light enough for you!

Over and out my lovelies, hope you enjoyed!
R x

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